Imports by Major Customs Ports
Dataset schema
JSON Schema
The following JSON object is a standardized description of your dataset's schema. More about JSON schema.
- "title":"imports-by-major-customs-ports",
- "type":"object",
- "oneOf":,[
- {
- "$ref":"#/definitions/imports-by-major-customs-ports"
] - "definitions":{
- "imports-by-major-customs-ports":,{
- "properties":{
- "records":{
- "type":"array",
- "items":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/imports-by-major-customs-ports_records"
} - "records":
} - "properties":
- "imports-by-major-customs-ports_records":{
- "properties":{
- "fields":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "year":,{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"date",
- "title":"Year",
- "description":""
} - "customs_ports":,{
- "type":"string",
- "title":"Customs Ports",
- "description":""
} - "indicator":,{
- "type":"string",
- "title":"Indicator",
- "description":""
} - "value":{
- "type":"number",
- "title":"Value",
- "description":""
} - "year":
} - "fields":
} - "properties":
} - "imports-by-major-customs-ports":
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