Explore the Oman Central Bank Assets and Liabilities dataset for detailed information on various financial indicators such as Cash on hand, Fixed Assets, Credit to Private Sector, and more. Access valuable insights to analyze economic trends and financial stability in Oman.
Cash on hand and Deposits with CBO, Private sector RO Total Deposits, Foreign currency Total Lending, Fixed Assets, Fixed Assets (Net), Currency with Public, Certificate of Deposit, Deposits of NonResidents, Total Liabilities - Residents, USD per Omani rials, period average, Fine Troy Ounces (Millions), Balance due to banks - NonResidents, Credit to Private Sector, Private sector FCY Time Deposits, Credit to Public Enterprises, Government Deposits, Balances due from Banks - Residents, Specific provisions and reserve interest, Borrowing from CBO, Holdings Of Sdrs, Discounting Rate of Treasury Bills, end of period, Total Assets Residents, Gold Volume, Total Liabilities, Due to Banks in Oman, Due from H/O, branches abroad, affiliates and shareholders, Other Depository Corporations Combined Balance Sheet, Central Bank, US Dollars (Millions), Monetary Survey, Other Liabilities, Foreign Assets, Non Performing Loans to Total Loans, Rial Omani Total Lending, Reserve Position In The Fund, Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets Ration, Core capital and reserves, Rial Omani demand deposits, Due from Government, Capital, Net worth, Claims on Public Enterprises, Currency issued, Securities - T.B's, Securities - Others - Domestic, Total Reserves Minus Gold, Due to H/O, branches abroad, affiliates and shareholders, Total credit, Credit to Government, Securities, Others, Private sector FCY Total Deposits, Select Financial Soundness Indicators, Foreign Exchange, Domestic claims on private sector, Securities - Government securities, Other Depository Corporations, Balance due to banks - Residents, Rial Omani Total Deposits, Foreign currency Time Deposits, Central Bank, Percent, Bullion, Claims on Government, IMF currency quota, Rate, Securities - Others - Foreign, Other Assets, General Reserves, Total deposits, Foreign currency Total Deposits, Rial Omani Overnight Domestic inter-bank rate, Other Depository Corporations, Total Assets NonResidents, Balances due from Banks - NonResidents, General provisions, Placements Abroad, Average rate for Repos With CBO, Other liabilities in foreign currency, in local currency, Claims on Government, Total Liabilities - NonResidents, Official Reserve Assets, Omani rial per USD, end of period, Other Depository Corporations, Deposits of Public Enterprises, Total Assets, Interest Rates, Due from Banks in Oman, Index, Private sector RO Time Deposits, Foreign Liabilities, IMF Reserve Assets, Credit to NonResidents, USD per Omani rial, end of period, Exchange Rates, Monthly, IMF R.O. holdings, Due to Government CDs, Central Bank (net), Central Bank of Oman Balance Sheet, Quasi Money, Domestic Currency (Millions), Gold (National Valuation), Deposits of Private Sector, Government Deposits, Rial Omani Time Deposits, Omani rial per USD, period average, Money, Bank, Monetary, Reserve, Assets, Liabilities, IMF, Loan
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