Explore the balance of payments dataset for United Arab Emirates including total imports, crude oil exports, trade balance, investment income, and more. Click to access detailed information and analysis.
Total Imports ( CIF ) : Emirates Imports - CIF, Crude Oil Exports : Gas Exports, Total imports of goods and services (CIF), Total Imports ( FOB ), Total Exports & Re Exports, Total Imports ( CIF ) : Free Zone Imports - CIF, Services ( NET ) : Services, Trade Balance (CIF), Current Account Balance, Crude Oil Exports : Petroleum Products Exports, Crude Oil Exports : Other Exports, Services ( NET ) : Transport, Total imports of goods and services (FOB), Total Imports ( CIF ), Investment Income ( NET ) : Foreign Partners(Hydrocarbon Comps.), Transfers ( NET ) : Public, Other Services, Crude Oil Exports : Re Exports, Transfers ( NET ), Transfers ( NET ) : Private, Crude Oil Exports : Free Zone Exports, Crude Oil Exports, Debit, Investment Income ( NET ) : Financial Entities + Pvt. non banks, Services ( NET ) : Travel, Trade Balance (FOB), Fright and Insurance, Services ( NET ), Total imports, service, Government Services, Credit, Investment Income ( NET ), Total exports of goods and services:, Trade, Transport, Exports, imports, Credit, Debit, CIF, UAE National Accounts
United Arab Emirates
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2020 Preliminary Data.