Explore the Labor Force Survey Data in Saudi Arabia for insights on employment, unemployment, workforce participation, and more. Find information on various sectors, education levels, job search methods, and reasons for not seeking employment.
Technicians and associate professionals, Financial and insurance activities, Private, Transportation and storage, Qassim, Few working hours, Short-cycle tertiary education, Enterprise liquidation (Business failure), Accommodation and food service activities, Male, Asked friends, relatives, etc., Post-secondary non-tertiary education, North.Bord., Madinah, Manufacturing, Social sciences, press and media, Work requires physical or mental effort, Lay off by employer, Bachelors or equivalent level, Governmental, Primary education, Other sectors, Masters or equivalent level, Applied for a loan/financial assistance to start a new business, Placed or answered advertisements in newspapers or journal, Used platform to find a job: Saed, Social reasons (family), Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, Percentage distribution of Working Age Population, Education, Construction, Craft and related trades workers, Undifined, Employment rate, Mining and quarrying, persons not "seeking employment" but "available for work", Makkah, Professionals, Took a test, interview, or examination, No schooling, Employment Rate, Percentage distribution of Out of Labor Force, Plant and machine operators, and assemblers, AL - Baha, Not willing to accept a job in the private sector, Resignation, Average number of active job search methods per Unemployed, Public, Hail, Future starters, Engineering, manufacturing and building, Contact private employment offices, Average Monthly Wages per Paid employee of main Work (SR), Applied for a license/permit to start a new business, Used platform to find a job: Jadarah, long working hours, Arts and humanities, Managers, Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary, Non-Saudi, Health reasons, persons "seeking employment" but "Not available for work", Percentage distribution of Employed, Activities of households as employer Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiess; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use, Tabuk, Elementary occupations, Used platform to find a job: Taqat, Percentage distribution of Unemployed Persons (%), Real estate activities, Services, Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers, Work completed (end of temporary contract, Jazan, Other, Labour Force Participation rate (%), Non Saudi, Female, Undefined, He did not take any action, Unknown programs, Posted/updated resume on professional/social networking sites, Doctoral or equivalent level, Lower secondary education, Administrative and support service activities, Injury Work, Easte. Prov., Employment to Population Ratio, Agriculture, forestry and fishing, persons neither "seeking employment" not available for work" and they want to work", Undertook the preparation to start a new business, Studied advertisements in newspapers, journals, or internet portals, Health and well-being, Early childhood education, Business, management and law, Already worked, Two-shifts job, Share of working age population out of the labour force, Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, Not Outside Neighbourhood, persons neither seeking employment" not currently available "and they don't want to work", retirement, Najran, low wages or salary, Average Usual Hours of main Work for Employed Persons (Hours/Week), Labour Force, Other service activities, Has never worked, Private Establishments Sector, Natural sciences, mathematics, and statistics, Applied to employers directly: private or public employers, Service and sales workers, Professional, scientific and technical activities, Percentage distribution of Labor Force, Riyadh, Clerical support workers, Apply to specific jobs, follow up a previous application, or ask about work opportunities through sending applications or CVs via email, Upper secondary education, Total, Public administration and defence; compulsory social security, AL - Jouf, Human health and social work activities, Saudi, Asir, Unemployement Rate, Communication and information technology, Information and communication, Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies, Out of the Labour Force, Distance between residence and work, Willing to accept a job in the private sector, Arts, entertainment and recreation, Labor, Employment , visa, participation, Survey, LFS, Labor Force data, unemployment
Saudi Arabia
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Labor Force Survey (General Authority for Statistics):
Source: Estimated data from the Labor Force Survey based on population projections based on the Saudi Census 2022 - General Authority for Statistics
*Data collection method:
2021 Q1 – 2022 Q1 : Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI)
From 2022 Q2: CAPI and CATI mode
Average Monthly Wages Includes (Paid employee of Main Work, A work as a paid apprentice) Who Give The Information About Her/His monthly wage (SR)
Classification used for specializations and educational levels: according to levels of education (ISCED_11) and fields of education (ISCED_13)
The government sector includes the public sector.
The private sector : includes the private sector and workers in the agricultural sector
Other: includes, non-profit organizations, domestic workers, regional and international organizations
The Saudi Classification of Economic Activities: a statistical classification based on the International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities