KAPSARC aggregated open data in this portal is aligned to our mission to advance energy economics understanding and research. Each datasets' information tab shows where we sourced the data, their copy rights and last checked date against the original source.
We abide by the KAPSARC Privacy Policy in all practices and processes relating to personal data.
Specifically, with your explicit consent, we gather a limited amount of your personal data sufficient for the purpose of providing you with more features such as to subscribe to datasets and receive notifications, get extended API calls and provide you services to improve your user experience. Your data is stored securely and accessible only by administrators of the Data Portal system. You can unsubscribe at any time and your data is immediately removed from our system. You can also re-register at any time. To assist us to maintain an accurate record, you can update your personal data by clicking on your login tab and amending the relevant data. We retain your data to continue to provide the above services unless you unsubscribe or advise us you wish us to remove your registration information.
I hereby my consent to my registration data being used as stated above.
To unsubscribe, ask questions, provide comments, or raise concerns on datasource.kapsarc.org, please send an email to EIMGroup@KAPSARC.org
Our research generates new ideas and knowledge, which we want to share as widely as possible so that they can be accessed, read and used to generate further new ideas and knowledge. KAPSARC therefore publishes its knowledge outputs as open access resources where possible. By so doing, we believe we can contribute to a more informed society and a richer, more productive research culture.
If you already have an account on the Opendatasoft platform, you can use it to register to the domain.